Welcome to STAR-NY
Spring 2025 tutoring for all STAR subjects is currently open, Sun 1/26/25 through Thurs, 5/8/25. Available SUNDAYS --> THURSDAYS, 7PM-MIDNIGHT (Login until 11:30 PM).
students working on a computer

What is STAR-NY?

STAR-NY is a consortium of SUNY colleges and universities that have joined together to share resources and expertise to better meet student needs for online tutoring.

Colleges and universities should ensure all students have access to academic support services. Online tutoring allows tutors and tutees to engage in tutoring sessions regardless of their respective locations by collaborating via the Internet.

Students are saying...
  • Absolutely fantastic working with [my STAR tutor]! Very patient and willing to work through problems step by step... SUNY Plattsburgh student()
  • [My STAR tutor] really did boost my confidence and made me comfortable with what was impossible before your tutoring North Country Community College student()
  • Tutor was very informative and patient. Buffalo State student()
  • I am so very thankful this resource is available. It has helped me yet again with my writing. I really enjoy the different tutors approaches to guidance and it makes me think about my writing a new challenging way. Stony Brook University student()
  • [My STAR tutor] help[ed to] guide [me] through the problem-solving process and [to] think about a different approach that has proven helpful in my coursework. Thank you for your help and assistance! SUNY Plattsburgh student()
  • [My STAR tutor] was amazing...I was really struggling with the difference between the main idea of an article and the thesis, and also picking out connotative language vs denotative language. I am truly grateful for this help tonight. if there was one thing I could change, it's that I could have had more time! =) [My tutor] was so helpful Genesee Community College student()
  • Star NY is a such a helpful service. Especially for someone like myself who is going back to school after a 13 year break. Writing has never been a strong suit of mine and I have used this service twice now and my confidence is growing more and more in terms of my writing. Stony Brook University student()
  • [My STAR tutor] is the best!! I wish I could hire them as a private tutor because they are so helpful!! SUNY Brockport student()
  • Wish there was more staff, so I could have more than an hour with my tutor. She was very helpful, and helped me with my confidences [sic]. She also gave great guidance. Corning Community College student()
  • I really loved this service and it is so awesome that this is free. Tutor had good skills. Onondaga Community College student()
  • I wouldn't have been confident in my answers if it weren't for my tutor. Adirondack Community College student()
  • I appreciated the new tips of how to proofread my piece. Thank you for your help! SUNY Fredonia student()
  • [My STAR tutor] was absolutely fantastic! We were able to go through a variety of problems within the coursework and was able to let me learn from my own ability while giving assistance and assurance in my work. Thank you...! SUNY Plattsburgh student()
  • [My STAR tutor] explained everything very well, I feel fully confident in my ability to solve my problems now. Rockland Community College student()
  • so so glad this resource exists!! Broome Community College student()
  • I will be using this service again throughout the completion of my online program... Stony Brook University student()
  • [M]y tutor was top notch and worked with me at whatever pace i felt comfortable SUNY Brockport student()
  • Loved this program! SUNY Fredonia student()
  • Great tutor did better than my math professor Stony Brook University student()
  • Awesome, very thorough and clear, patient. I feel confident about doing my assignments SUNY Brockport student()
  • It was kind of disappointing when I found out that STAR-NY was in typing format. But that was not an issue at all, if anything it elevated my experience enjoyment. No face-to-face made it less scary to ask my questions without feeling judged. Definitely coming back Rockland Community College student()
  • I gained more knowledge than I thought I could in such a short session. Thank you for the help! SUNY Brockport student()
  • [My STAR tutor] was a huge help with my writing. He offered different suggestions and provided excellent feedback. His help was greatly appreciated. SUNY Delhi student()
  • [V]ery helpful Onondaga Community College student()
  • [I] appreciate all the help it really makes a difference for me Erie Community College student()
  • [My STAR Math tutor] was great. I really appreciated his help to understand the problem. SUNY Brockport student()